pressure washer surface cleaner
  • Post category:Surface Cleaner
  • Post last modified:July 24, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What size pressure washer surface cleaner should I use?

Introduction and surface cleaner tips

The size of your pressure washer surface cleaner is dependent on the size of your concrete surface and the amount of time you need to complete a job. The more time you have, the larger pressure washer surface cleaner you can use. If you are in a rush then it is best to go with one of our smaller surface cleaners like the 14.5 inch or 16.5 inch models as they will be able to cover more ground per minute than our bigger models like 20inch or 24 surface cleaner would be able to do on their own because they wouldn’t get around as fast with those larger tires on them!

What size pressure washer surface cleaner do I use?

The size of the best commercial surface cleaner you use depends on the size of your concrete surface. If your concrete surface is small, then you should use a 14.5-inch surface cleaner. If your concrete is medium-sized and up to about 800 square feet, then a 16.5-inch surface cleaner would be appropriate for you.

If you still aren’t sure what size pressure washer surface cleaner will be best for you and your needs, check out our buying guide below!

Is a 14.5 inch or 16.5 inch surface cleaner better to use?

You need a surface cleaner that’s 14.5 inches or 16.5 inches or 16 inch surface cleaner in diameter to cover the kind of area you’re looking to clean; this will ensure you have enough power to get your job done quickly and efficiently.

You should always go with a larger surface cleaner if:

  • You’re cleaning concrete driveways, sidewalks, and other areas with less of an inclination towards curvy shapes. The bigger size lets you cover more ground per stroke and makes it easier for you to clean up dust particles and stains on flat surfaces like these because they won’t create awkward angles where water can pool up behind them (which could damage your equipment).

  • You want to save yourself some time by using less strokes over the same area, since smaller cleaners tend to get clogged up faster when dealing with dirtier surfaces or heavier duty jobs like scraping off old paint from walls (or removing moss from roofs).

Which is better a 16.5  or a 18 inch pressure washer surface cleaner for a concrete driveway?

It’s a good question, and it’s one that we get asked often. We’ve done the research and have come to the conclusion that a 16.5 inch pressure washer surface cleaner is the best choice for your concrete driveway.

The larger diameter of a 16.5 inch pressure washer surface cleaner means that you will be able to lift more dirt and grime than with an 18 inch pressure washer surface cleaner. Larger diameter brushes also mean more power, so if you want your driveway clean quickly then this is definitely the way to go!

Should I use a 20inch or 24-inch pressure washer surface cleaner?

For most people, a 20-inch surface cleaner is the best option. The larger size of this tool allows it to cover more area in less time than its smaller counterpart. However, if you have a small job and don’t want to waste your time cleaning large areas with an overkill machine then consider getting the 24-inch cleaner instead.

Where can I find the best surface cleaner for pressure washer?

When looking for the best pressure washer surface cleaner, it is important to consider what you will use it for. The best pressure washer surface cleaner for your application can vary depending on your needs and budget. At we have several different types of pressure washer surface cleaners that can help you achieve your desired results with ease.

Our selection includes:

 These units are designed specifically for cleaning surfaces that would be damaged by high pressure spray like bricks or concrete walls; they are perfect for removing paint from buildings without damaging the underlying structure!

Is there any difference between a 14.5 inch, 16.5-inch pressure washer surface cleaner and a 24 inch surface cleaner.

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. The first is what you are using the surface cleaner for. Are you cleaning concrete driveways, concrete patios or other large areas? If you’re going to be cleaning concrete surfaces of any size, then we recommend the 16.5-inch surface cleaner as it will allow for easier maneuverability around your home and driveway or patio area.

If however, you are looking for something more convenient and portable that can clean areas up to 150 square feet in size, then our 14″ model would be better suited for your needs.

We offer both models in our line up so that there is something available regardless of where an individual falls along these two lines.

The answer to what size pressure washer surface cleaner is dependent on your application, which is why we’ve developed multiple sizes of concrete cleaners for you to choose from.

The answer to what size pressure washer surface cleaner is dependent on your application, which is why we’ve developed multiple sizes of concrete cleaners for you to choose from.

For example, if you are applying a product like our best pressure washer surface cleaner to large surfaces and plan on using the machine for extended periods of time, it’s best that you use one of our larger machines. This will ensure that your job goes smoothly without any problems or interruptions. It will also provide you with a consistent finish across all areas being cleaned by avoiding any streaks or marks left behind by smaller brushes. If this sounds like something you would like then please check out our #1 selling model here!


As you can see, there are many factors that go into determining what size pressure washer surface cleaner is right for your application. Whether you’re looking to clean a large concrete driveway or parking lot, our concrete cleaners have the power and versatility to tackle any job! If you’re unsure of which size will work best for your needs feel free to contact us today and we’ll help guide you towards making an informed decision when purchasing one of these machines.,

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