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  • Post last modified:January 8, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Working as a cleaner opens you to the risk of unexpected injuries and body stress compared to other jobs. If you find yourself in this case, it is always best to use ergonomic and efficient cleaning agents and surface cleaners. 

eveage surface cleaner

Cleaning agents will help remove tough stains easily while there are different surface cleaner parts that have been incorporated to help keep stress and pressure away from the body. These parts include the valve, the pressure washer hose, lance and water pump.

Also, the benefits of wheels on surface cleaners are too worthwhile to be left undiscussed.  If you find yourself having to clean wide floor surfaces or needing to move washers from one place to another, you would agree with me that wheels can be life savers.

Advantages of Wheels on Surface Cleaners 

Imagine the painful strain your muscles will be subjected to when you carry surface cleaners with gallons of water from one end of halls and driveways to another. However, with wheels, you don’t have to go through that stress. Moreso, you can easily operate cleaners on different surfaces; just as with the pressure washer psi for concrete is designed for concrete surfaces.

With wheeled surface cleaners, your time and effort will be maximized. You will be able to clean large surfaces within short periods and without stress. You can seize the opportunity to extend your working hours which in turn increases your pay.

One of the surface cleaner tips is the ability to gain mastery and confidence in handling it. Pressure washer surface cleaner with wheels can help you build this overtime and it will prevent you from spilling your cleaning solutions.

Potential Limitations of Wheels on Surface Cleaners

Even though it is best to have wheels on your surface cleaners for good purposes, they might not be fully efficient in some instances.

When the cleaning surface or floor is not smooth, surface cleaners with wheels may find it difficult to clean every part, thereby leaving some dirt and debris behind. Examples of such floors or surfaces include broken tiles, rumpled carpets, the lines in between tiled floors and some wooden floors.

The same is often experienced with tight corners. Especially when the surface cleaner machines are huge, they are often not able to reach in between the tight corners.

The Durability and Maintenance of Wheeled Surface Cleaners

Like every other machine and tools, the lifespan of a product is firstly determined by its brand. This is why we recommend Eveage tools as your one-stop shop for the best commercial surface cleaners, pressure washers and their parts. While other manufacturers use rubber and plastic for these tools, all cleaning tools from Eveage are made of stainless steel.

Secondly, pressure washer surface cleaners with wheels need to be checked and maintained routinely. This may be tasking but it is necessary to help them last long. Routines such as cleaning brushes and filters after use, greasing parts on time and inspecting for loosen nuts and bolts go a long way to prevent damages.

Lastly, you may need to change the wheels as time progresses because rubber wheels have the potential of wearing off and eventually tearing after a long period of time.

How to Choose the Right Surface Cleaner

It is always best to consider certain factors when choosing surface cleaners so that you make the decision that satisfies your needs. For instance, a 16 inch surface cleaner cannot be equal to a 24 inch surface cleaner in terms of efficiency. Technically, you would naturally want to go for the latter for a larger surface area and the former for maybe dometic use. The point is that there is a pressure washer designed for everybody’s needs. Let’s examine some of these factors.

Manual vs. Automatic Cleaners

Manual cleaners can be the best for meticulous cleaners as this will enable them to reach every corner with their hands. Manual cleaners are also less expensive, but they are time consuming and subject you to aches and stress.

On the other hand, you can also clean lean large surfaces and spaces efficiently and within a short time with Automatic cleaners. Their technologically advanced features enhance consistency, speed and vigor in their cleaning operations. A typical example of automatic cleaners is the commercial surface cleaner for pressure washer.

Indoors vs outdoors

When indoor or domestic cleaning is your focus, you should use mild cleaning agents, you should also be lenient while cleaning. This will help you keep your relatives safe from toxic substances and safeguard your furnishings. When buying indoor cleaning equipment, ensure they are not the noisy types and they are of basic forms.

On the contrary, you will often find the toughest stains and heavily soiled areas outdoors. Battling with them will demand the involvement of equipment like a commercial grade surface cleaner and a driveway pressure washer attachment. They are of higher capacity and durable for outdoor cleanings.

Cleaning the Different Flooring Types

There are different surface cleaners for various floorings. A typical example is the pressure washer psi for concrete; they are technically designed to wash concrete surfaces and floors.

Another type of flooring that requires attention is the hardwood flooring. You don’t want to damage the surface, therefore, it is advisable to use a soft scrubbing brush. Even if you want to get a floor scrubber for pressure washer, confirm that the brushes are not hard.  Also, keep them always shining with special wood polishes; this is where the beauty of the hardwood floor lies.

Tiled floors are another popular flooring type that are quite easy to clean. Sponges and mobs can take care of daily cleaning and minor stains. Also use the steam cleaning method with some disinfectants to keep germs away.

Lastly, carpet floors can easily be cleaned with vacuum sweeper and mild shampoos.

Are you still on the lookout for a reputable company for anything cleaning equipment, contact Eveage tools for the best pressure washer surface cleaner and also for the best power washer surface cleaner. From the very basic cleaning tools to the industrial and sophisticated cleaning machines, Eveage has every individual’s desire.  


It is evident that wheels on surface cleaners can be life savers especially for people who are into full time cleaning jobs. Wheels improve your ability to handle surface cleaner pressure washers and help you maximize time, among others.

The durability of surface cleaners with wheels lies in your ability to maintain them by routine cleaning and check ups. You may also need to change wheels from time to time for consistent functionality.

Always remember that there are different surface cleaner pressure washers for different situations and needs. If you’re someone that sees the cleaning activity as an exercise, you may want to consider the manually operated tools, while automatic cleaners are often best for outdoor cleanings.

You can always reach out to Eveage for recommendations for the best surface cleaner for pressure washer and everything cleaning.