• Post category:Blog
  • Post last modified:October 22, 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read


Wondering how you are going to clean your porch, poolside, or pavement? When gunk becomes stubborn, that’s when you know it is time for a pressure washer – and a good one! While surface cleaners on their own are an easy way to get rid of dirt and stains, no matter where, without much labour and time, certain stubborn spots require attention and machines. A commercial-grade quality floor scrubber for pressure washer attachment is all you need for cleaning in less time and much more effectiveness.   

What is a surface cleaner?

There are two types of surface cleaners, either in mechanical form or chemical. Still, before we jump into quality and products available in the market, it is crucial to understand what a surface cleaner is and have a know-how of its parts to understand the mechanics better.

As its name suggests, a surface cleaner is a machine or chemical that is used to get rid of or eliminate foreign matter from a surface using cleaning agents, typically VOC or HAP solvents in liquid or vapour form.

A surface cleaner’s primary function is to make any surface squeaky clean and ensure the elimination of germs and stains. Whether in chemical form or machine, a surface cleaner can help you clean up quickly with effectiveness for a good period. The market is full of surface cleaning products, in both forms, with affordable prices and durability depending on what your budget and requirements are.       

How does a surface cleaner work?

While chemical surface cleaners do not require detailed instructions, mechanical cleaners need the user to make sure all the parts and instructions are followed, whether it is a 16-inch surface cleaner or a 24-inch cleaner surface cleaner in question. For chemical surface cleaners, all you need to do is mix it in a solvent, typically water, to dilute it and use it on surfaces with a piece of cloth, spray bottle, or scrub. For a mechanical surface cleaner, there comes a handbook and tons of rules to follow, which, if ignored, could lead to a bigger mess. Rotating surface cleaners are best for cleaning a large area in less time, and if you wish to lessen the labour and time consumption twofold, use a pressure washer surface cleaner with wheels. 

Advantages of surface cleaner over traditional pressure washing

The advantages of advanced pressure washing equipment with its standard pressure washer and wand combination serve as an ideal deal for cleaning around your home or business. From concrete to asphalt surfaces, cleaning with commercial surface cleaner for pressure washers gives you a uniform finish.

Here are some advantages you might want your pressure washer to have before you go out to buy surface cleaners:

· Exceptional Cleaning Results: Our high-quality pressure washer product will utilize high-pressure water spray technology, capable of quickly and efficiently cleaning various surfaces, including buildings, cars, industrial equipment, and more. The exceptional cleaning results foster high levels of trust and satisfaction among our customers.

· Efficient Working Method: A pressure washer adopts high-performance cleaning technology, enabling it to complete a large volume of cleaning tasks in a shorter period. This not only enhances work efficiency but also reduces the time and cost expenditure for the customers.

· Convenient Operation: These washers are extremely easy to operate, requiring little technical knowledge or specialized skills from the customer’s end. This convenient mode of operation attracts more customers to purchase and use.

· High Quality and Reliability: Pressure washers made of high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing technology, having undergone rigorous testing and validation, ensure high quality and reliability. This high quality and reliability instil trust in the product, increasing customers’ willingness to purchase.

Preparing Your Equipment

Understanding the essential equipment, its preparation, and knowing what surface the pressure washer is used for is the cardinal part of your quest. The working conditions and considering the PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) and GPM (Gallons per Minute) ratings are also significant in finding the right tools. The third important factor to keep in mind is to know how to match the size and type of surface cleaner to your cleaning needs.

Calculating PSI means you are going to figure out how much washer pressure is required to wash off the debris. For GPM, the higher it is, the more surface area a pressure washer can clean up in less time. Take, for example, if a washer has a 2GPM rating and the other has a 4GPM rating, the latter will clean better and quicker, owing to its twofold power and effectiveness.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hooking Up the Surface Cleaner

You have this vast outdoor area that desperately needs a good clean-up. It’s got everything from wooden decks to balconies, driveways, sidewalks, and parking spaces – a real mess, to say the least. That’s where the pressure washer surface cleaner swoops in like a hero. It’s like a magic wand for cleaning, and it can easily outperform any other combination of pressure washer tools.

Before you get started, though, make sure to do a little prep work. Clear away any loose debris or big pieces of trash that could get in the way and mess up the cleaning process.

Now, it’s time to get to work. First, secure the water supply to your trusty pressure washer. Then, attach the surface cleaner to the high-pressure hose, just like you would with a regular wand assembly. Make sure all those connections are nice and tight.

As you turn on the water and fire up the pressure washer, you’re all set to go. Release that safety latch and squeeze the trigger gun. It’s like giving your surface cleaner a green light to do its thing. The spray bar underneath it starts to spin, creating that powerful pressure, and you’ll see the surface cleaner glide smoothly across the area, almost like it’s dancing.

Now, here’s the trick – keep that surface cleaner moving! You want to make sure it covers everything evenly. The best part is: the surface cleaner comes with a nifty hood that catches any overspray, so you won’t have to deal with an extra mess to clean up. It’s like a tidy finishing touch to your outdoor cleaning adventure.

Tips for Efficient Cleaning with a Surface Cleaner

1. Proper techniques for moving the surface cleaner: When using a surface cleaner, roll it in a slow and consistent back-and-forth motion, overlapping each pass slightly. This ensures thorough cleaning without streaks or missed spots. Avoid jerky movements, as they can result in uneven cleaning. 

2. Adjusting the pressure for different surfaces: Different surfaces require different levels of pressure. Adjust your pressure washer settings to match the surface you’re cleaning. Use lower pressure for delicate surfaces like wood decks and higher pressure for tougher surfaces like concrete. Proper pressure adjustment prevents damage and optimizes cleaning.

3. Maintenance and cleaning of the surface cleaner after use: After each use, clean the surface cleaner thoroughly to prevent clogs and prolong its lifespan. Remove any debris or dirt from the nozzles and spray bars. Check for any damaged parts and replace those instantly if necessary. Regular maintenance ensures your surface cleaner continues to work efficiently.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

1. Surface cleaner not spinning: If your surface cleaner isn’t spinning, first check for any clogs or debris in the nozzles or spray bars. Clean them thoroughly. Ensure proper water pressure from the pressure washer. If the issue persists, inspect the swivel and bearings for damage or wear. Replace any faulty parts.

2. Inconsistent cleaning patterns: Inconsistent cleaning patterns may be due to uneven pressure or improper technique. Check and adjust the pressure to the appropriate level for the surface. Maintain a steady and overlapping motion while using the surface cleaner to ensure even cleaning.

3. Loss of pressure or water flow: Loss of pressure or water flow can result from clogs or kinks in the hose, a malfunctioning trigger gun, or issues with the pressure washer. Clear any hose obstructions, straighten curls, and inspect the trigger gun for damage. If problems persist, consult the pressure washer’s manual or a professional for troubleshooting.

Solutions and fixes for the above issues:

· Clean and unclog the surface cleaner’s nozzles and spray bars.

· Ensure proper water pressure from the pressure washer.

· Check the swivel and bearings for damage and replace them if needed.

· Adjust pressure for the specific surface you’re cleaning.

· Maintain a consistent and overlapping cleaning motion.

· Clear hose obstructions and fix kinks.

· Inspect the trigger gun for damage and replace it if necessary.

· Refer to the pressure washer manual or seek professional help for persistent pressure or water flow issues.


In conclusion, proper hookup and usage of your surface cleaner are essential for efficient and effective cleaning. It ensures that you get the best results while preventing potential issues and damage to both the equipment and the surfaces you’re cleaning.

Remember, safety and maintenance should always be top priorities. Regularly inspect and maintain your surface cleaner to extend its lifespan and keep it performing at its best. By doing so, you’ll not only save time and money but also ensure safe and successful cleaning every time.