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  • Post last modified:September 18, 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Do you want to buy a pressure washer surface cleaner but could not decide between electric and gas variants? If yes, we have got you covered.

Pressure washers are invaluable tools for cleaning a variety of surfaces but when you have to make a decision between a gas and electric model, it becomes daunting. Whether you are a homeowner or a professional you should know the pros and cons of gas and electric surface cleaners.

This article will highlight the key differences between gas and electric options to help you choose the one fitting your needs.

Basics of pressure washer surface cleaner

Pressure washer surface cleaners are specialized attachments that are designed to enhance the cleaning capabilities. Their primary function is to efficiently clean large flat surfaces like the driveways, sidewalks, decks and patios.

Pressure washers have a round or rectangular base with high-pressure nozzles or brushes that rotate. When connected to a pressure washer they use the pressure of water to dislodge dirt and grime from the surface.

Pressure washer surface cleaners are popular because their cleaning action is uniform and streak-free and you can get a professionally cleaned look. They are perfect for hectic tasks like removing mold, mildew and oil stains. Therefore, they are tools suitable for residential and commercial cleaning projects, so many businesses and shopping malls use commercial grade surface cleaner for cleaning.

Gas-powered Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

Gas powered pressure washer surface cleaners use a gasoline engine to generate the power needed to pump water at high pressure. They typically consist of an engine, a pump, a water inlet, and a high-pressure hose with a nozzle. Gasoline engines drive the pump to create a high-pressure water that is expelled through the nozzle to clean different surfaces.


Gas powered pressure washers generally offer higher pressure and flow rates as compared to electric models. So, they are more effective at removing tough stains and dirt.

These cleaners are well-suited for cleaning large outdoor areas and can handle stubborn stains, grime and dirt effectively.

Gas-powered pressure washers do not rely on batteries and they have continuous runtime. So, they can be used for extended periods without break.


Gas-powered cleaners are typically heavier and bulkier than their electric ones. So, they are less portable and harder to maneuver.

Gas-powered pressure washers require maintenance. You have to perform oil changes, air filter checks, and fuel management regularly.

Gasoline engines are noisier as compared to electric ones. Moreover, they produce exhaust and are not an environmentally friendly option.

Electric Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

Electric pressure washer surface cleaners are powered by electricity and use an electric motor to drive a pump that generates high-pressure water. They come with a power cord or you can power them by rechargeable batteries.


Electric pressure washers are generally lighter and more compact. That is why they are easy to transport and store.

Electric models are quieter than gas powered models. So, they are suitable choice for residential areas where noise might pose a concern.

Electric cleaners produce no emissions. So, they an eco-friendly option.

Electric pressure washers are more budget-friendly because they cost low as compared to gas powered pressure washers.


Electric pressure have limited range and operational time because they are attached to a cord.

Electric models may not deliver the same high pressure and flow rates as gas-powered ones. So, for heavy duty cleaning tasks they are not a good option.

Electric cleaners are best suited for lighter residential tasks. They might struggle while removing deeply embedded dirt or handling large scale commercial cleaning projects.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Gas and Electric Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

Before making your choice of buying gas or electric pressure washer surface cleaner make sure to consider the following factory.

Nature of the Task

Electric models are suitable for lighter residential tasks like cleaning patios and cars because they deliver low pressure. However, the gas powered models deliver high pressure and are better for heavy duty cleaning tasks in industrial spaces and large driveways.

Portability Needs

Electric powered surface cleaners are generally lighter and more maneuverable. On the other hand, gas-powered are bulkier and heavier. However, it depends on your physical strength how comfortably you can handle the weight of the unit.

Environmental Concerns

Electric pressure washers are the more eco-friendly choice because they produce no emissions. Gas-powered models emit exhaust fumes and pose a serious harm to the environment. Moreover, in terms of energy efficiency electric models are more energy-efficient as they convert electricity into cleaning power without waste. Conversely, gasoline engines have some energy loss in the form of heat and noise.

Maintenance and Longevity

Gas-powered pressure washers have a longer lifespan if well-maintained, but they require more maintenance. Electric models generally have a simpler maintenance routine and usually longer lifespans if they are used and stored properly.

Gas-powered pressure washers are costly, but they may have lower operational costs due to lower electricity consumption. However, electric models are usually more affordable initially but may cost more to run over time.

Safety Precautions for Both Types of Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

Safety should be the top priority while using pressure washer surface cleaners regardless of the power model. Always follow these safety guidelines and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and injuries while operations.

·         Read manufacturer manual before operating the pressure washer surface cleaner.

·         Store the pressure washer in a dry, cool place to prevent damage and corrosion.

·         Keep the unit away from children and pets.

·         Adjust the pressure settings based on the surface you’re cleaning because high pressure can damage delicate surfaces like wood or paint.

·         Start with a lower pressure setting and gradually increase if needed to avoid damage.

·         Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from debris and water splashes. Also use ear protection if the pressure washer is noisy especially with gas-powered models.

·         Wear appropriate clothing to shield yourself from water and chemical splashes.

·         Be aware of water runoff and its impact on the environment. Try to direct runoff away from storm drains and sensitive areas.

Final Words

Choosing the right type of pressure washer surface cleaner depends on nature of cleaning and the place where you want to use it. Gasoline pressure washers are good for heavy duty tasks while electric ones are good for household use where low pressure is required. Make sure to follow safety guidelines before and during the operation. If you want to buy a pressure washer surface cleaner choose Eveage to get the best pressure washer surface cleaner of your investment.