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  • Post category:Garden
  • Post last modified:June 20, 2022
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Fall is widely recognized as squirrels’ favorite season. Because they do not hibernate, tree nests are ideal for them. They have a strong propensity to store food, which aids in their survival throughout these periods. Gardeners may find squirrels bothersome since they are mischievous and incredibly agile. It may be difficult to keep squirrels out of your garden, but with persistence and a clever technique, you can succeed. This article will show you how to keep squirrels out of your garden using several effective methods.

What Attracts Squirrels To Gardens

Squirrels are voracious eaters who will eat practically anything in a garden. Squirrels are known for their fondness for acorns, but they aren’t picky eaters. They will eat vegetables from your vegetable garden, flowers, flower bulbs, and any birdseed you may scatter around your lawn, yard, or garden. Even common household garbage can attract squirrels to your property.

Ways To Identify Squirrel Damage

If your plants are consistently missing, a squirrel likely got to them before you could harvest them. Tomatoes, cucumbers, berries, lettuces, and other fruits and vegetables are examples of this. There’s still time to use repellents if you see nibbling on any leaves or the crops themselves.

  • Damage to bulbs: Squirrels get their food from nature, and they don’t know the difference between food that falls from trees and food that is planted in a garden by property owners. Squirrels dig up planted bulbs in the spring and fall, not only for the food but also to make hiding places for other foodstuffs they’ve acquired.
  • Squirrels are rodent scavengers, so there’s no need to worry about missing bird food. They look at any prospective food source, including bird feeder seeds. Sunflower seeds, which are abundant in bird feed, are a favorite of squirrels. Squirrels will not only eat what falls to the ground, but they will also go up and eat from the real bird feeder.
  • Squirrels like to dig up the dirt and mulch in garden beds and pots, so if you notice this in your garden, it could be an indication of a squirrel invasion. Protect the roots and use one of the various natural squirrel repellents.

Methods Of Keeping Squirrels Away From Garden

  • Add spicy peppers: Squirrels despise the smell and taste of capsaicin, which is found in chili peppers. Sprinkle some cayenne pepper, hot sauce, or chili pepper flakes on top of the soil to use as a natural squirrel repellant. Grow fiery chili peppers instead—the squirrels won’t touch the plant.
  • Spray with garlic and apple cider vinegar: Squirrels despise the pungent odor and flavor of garlic. Mix chopped garlic, sugar, and salt. Before spraying the solution on the green leaf fences or stands, stir it thoroughly and let it sit for several hours to fully combine. The Smokey flavor and scent of apple cider vinegar repels squirrels. It’s used to spray floors and even appliances in squirrel-infested areas. This spray was created to be used on hard surfaces and for this to be effective, EVEAGE Garden Hose Pipe, Flexible Durable Magic Hose Pipe with 8 Function Spray/Hose Hanger/Storage Bag/Brass Connector can be utilized.
  • Purchase mothballs: A fragrance that is contentious among people is also a natural repellant for squirrels. To keep squirrels away, use mothballs near your plants or on top of the dirt of a potted plant. Replace them after a few weeks or after the odor dissipates.
  • Gardens should be covered: Install row covers, bird netting, or chicken wire to keep squirrels out of your garden, or line the bottom soil with hardware cloth. All of these methods will keep squirrels out of the crops while yet allowing for sunshine and easy watering.
  • Make squirrel-resistant bird feeders: By changing the feed, you can squirrel-proof bird feeders. Squirrels prefer sunflower seeds over safflower seeds, therefore switching will be helpful. Install a squirrel baffle (a special cone) to keep squirrels away from the bird feeder. A baffle acts as a barrier that the squirrel cannot overcome.
  • Make a decoy: Squirrels are scared away by plastic or resin owls or rubber snakes in the garden, which keeps them away from the gardens. Every day, move them and, if possible, add some form of noisemaker to the decoys. Also, Sprinklers with motion sensors should be installed. Squirrels are notoriously wary of humans. Install a few motion-activated sprinklers near your garden to frighten a squirrel if it approaches too closely. After a few instances like this, the squirrel will most likely avoid the area entirely.
  • Consider building a wire fence around your vegetable garden and burying it about a foot away from the ground to keep squirrels out. You can also plant flowers that deter squirrels. To naturally repel squirrels, plant allium flowers such as daffodils, snowdrops, and hyacinths, as well as marigolds. Avoid planting tulips, crocuses, and geraniums because they attract squirrels. EVEAGE Auger Drill Bit, Garden Auger Drill Bit For Planting, Bulb Auger Drill Planter Suits For Bulbs Vegetables Flower Pottedcan be used to efficiently implement this strategy.
  • Peppermint oil isn’t toxic to living organisms or squirrels, but it does keep them away from your plants. Apply a few drops of peppermint oil to the plant leaves and the soil. To keep squirrels away, combine peppermint oil with petroleum jelly and spread the mixture on plant stalks.


Keep a tight lid on garbage cans and don’t leave food or other debris out to attract attention to your property. The aroma of food and rubbish draws squirrels, encouraging them to seek out other food sources in the area. Not all squirrel deterrents are safe for squirrels or non-toxic. Peanut butter may appear to be a wonderful idea, but in excessive quantities, it is toxic to squirrels. Squirrel traps, especially live traps, are also dangerous and have numerous drawbacks. Squirrels are easily agitated, and if they become imprisoned with no way out, they can cause much more damage.